I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- BW12V
- Lathe - CNC
- 12mm
- 2007
- Spindle Size: 12mm
Max Diameter Bar Capacity 0.512"Sub Spindle Bore 0.51"
Sub Spindle Speed 200-12,000 RPM
X-Axis Travel 1.65"
Z-Axis Travel 8.26"
Machine Dimensions 61" x 45" x 67"
Machine Weight 4400 lbs.
Backworking Tools 8
Front End - Working Tools 4
Live Tools 3
Main Spindle Bore 0.55"
Main Spindle Speed 200 - 8000 RPM
Rotary Tool Motor 1.125 HP
Rotary Tool Speed 200 - 8000 RPM
Spindle Center Height 37.5"
T1 Travel 5.09"
Turning Tools 5
The machine has been owned by us since brand new in 2007 we took delivery of it on 04-19-2007
Tsugami BW-12 serial # 185 Fanuc control 16i-TB split gang slide three path control.
The only type of oil we run in our machines is Mobil Omicron cutting oil machine has never seen
water soluble coolant.
Total hours on machine since installation in 2007 is 57794 Hours. 25 minutes.
We are a job shop so this machine has run ever type of material that we took orders for on those
machines. 303 stainless / C12L14 / 360 half hard brass / 7021 Copper / Aluminum / Phos Bronze /
no issues what so ever machine can be setup and run any parts within the capability of the machine.
machine has been equipped with an Iemca Genius 112 barloader since new.
We had the machine equipped also with an LNS 4 port high pressure coolant unit the will not
Be sold with the machine. this unit will be removed and used elsewhere here at Merit. The
Machine also has a Losma air filtration unit and a Fire Trace fire suppression system installed
on it. Fire trace unit was inspected and certified one month ago.
The only reason we are selling this machine is due to opening up floor space for a new piece
of equipment on it way in.