I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Greenlee
- 2-1/4"
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 2"
- 1970
- Spindle Size: 2"
Height: 5'4"Length: 10'Net Weight: 18,150 Lbs
Width: 5' 4"
- .0018 to .0408
- Feed Per Spindle Revolution
Motor Horsepower 25
Spindle Capacity Round: 2"
Spindle Capacity Hex: 1 3/4"
Spindle Capacity Sq 1 7/16"
Spindle Speed Range: 100-2490
Stock Feed: 8 5/16"Turning Length: 7 1/2"
Universal Threading
Accelerated Reaming
Recessing Attachment
Jorgenson Conveyor
6 Cross Slides
Cams and Gears
Collets and Pushers
Cross Slide Tool Holders
Drill Saddles
Master Collets and Pushers
Stock Reel And Stand