I want to sell a machine like this
- Bar Feed
- Iemca
- TAL65
- Magazine - Bar Type
- 0
- Spindle Size: 65mm
Round bars 5 - 65 mmHexagonal bars 5 - 55 mm
Magazine capacity 300 mm (working width)
Bar changing time 25 sec.(for 3000 mm bars) mod.32
Feed speed 250 mm/sec. (adjustable)
Return speed 500 mm/sec. (adjustable)
Feed voltage 230/400 volt
Installed power 1,5 KW
Guide channel oil ISO CB 150
70 l. (it is not supplied with the feeder)
Compressed air 6 bar (when necessary)
Round bars Ø 5 - 65 mm
Hexagonal bars 5 - 55 mm
Magazine capacity 300 mm (working width)
Bar changing time 25 sec.(for 3000 mm bars) mod.32
Feed speed 250 mm/sec. (adjustable)
Return speed 500 mm/sec. (adjustable)
Feed voltage 230/400 volt
Installed power 1,5 KW
Guide channel oil ISO CB 150
70 l. (it is not supplied with the feeder)
Compressed air 6 bar (when necessary)