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I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Euroturn
- 8-32
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 32mm
- 1999
- Spindle Size: 32mm
Number of spindles 8Max. dia of bar stock 32
Clamping tube bore 43
Max. length of bar feeding 125 mm
Speed range of spindles 270-3,750 rpm
Main motor 37kw
Working time 1.4 - 90 seconds
Idle time 1 second
Spindle stop
Pick off and backworking
Pietro Cucchi 12’ loader, manufactured new in 2004
1 set cams in all positions
1 set spindle gears
1-2-5-6 are compound cross slides
Paddle type conveyor
Parts conveyor
Aircology unit
Assorted tool holders and collets
Quad drill attachment
Cross drill attachment
Tapping clutches
Allen Bradley control