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- Automatic
- Euroturn
- 6-32
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 32mm
- 2000
6/32AC 6/32SAC 6/42AC 6/42SACNumber of spindles 6
Inner dia of clamping tube mm 43 43 53 53
Bar stock dimension
Round cross section mm 32 32 42 42
Hexagonal cross section mm 27 27 36 36
Square cross section mm 22 22 29 29
Pitch diameter of spindles mm 276
Max. length of bar feeding mm 125
Frontal slides – number 6
Max. total strokes mm 120
Range of working strokes mm 0 – 110
Cross slides – number 6-8
Max. total strokes mm 60
Range of working strokes mm 0 – 55
Compound slides – number 4
Max. total longitudinal strokes mm 70
Range of working longitudinal strokes mm 0 – 64
Working cycle
Range of working times sec. 1.4 - 90
Idle time sec. 1 1 1 1-1,3
Spindle stopping no yes no yes
Main motor
Nominal power output kW 22
Speed range of spindles rpm 250-4 250
Speed range STOP spindle rpm 250-3 350
Feed motor
Nominal power output kW 9
Nominal torque Nm 38
Machine dimensions
Total length with bar stock guide mm 6 884
Total length w/o bar stock guide mm 4 520
Machine width mm 1 920
Machine height mm 2 570
Machine weight without bar stock guide kg 11 620 11 880 11 625 11 885
Capacity of tanks
Cooling oil / coolant litre 1200
Hydraulic oil litre 170
Lubricating oil litre 90
Machine electrical consumption
Operational input of electrical equipment kW/kVA 35/41
Connecting cable cross section mm2 4/35
Maximum current A 160
Voltage V/Hz 400/50 or 220/60
Well equipped machine
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