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- Bar Feed
- Cucchi
- Magazine - Bar Type
- 8 Spindle
- 2009
A solution for lathe automation with special focus on the priceIncreasing production by reducing labor: this is the key to the
success of BASIC, the new automatic bar loader by Pietro
Cucchi for multi-spindle lathes, available for 5, 6 or 8 spindles.
A solution for lathe automation with no changes to the
original feeding mechanism.
By removing the stock reel, it can be connected to any multi-spindle lathe model.
The entire range of diameters can be machined thanks to a bar guide channel with
a diameter that corresponds to the maximum capacity of the lathe.
Catalog Specs -
Never used in production
Model PB56 Cucchi
Like New Condition
Two available.
Many pusher sets available
This bar feed is presently set to run
on either a 1-5/8 RB8 or 2" RB8.