I want to sell a machine like this
- Transfer Machine
- Eubama
- S20
- Trunnion Type
- 1996
- Spindle Size: 20mm
No. of clamping stationsquantity 10/12/16
No. of machining units
horizontal 16
vertical 14
Max. collet capacity Ø (mm) 60
Max. workpiece length (mm) 320
Max. output (cycles /min) 20
Feed control hydraulic
Machine control SPS / CNC
Working stroke (mm) 100
Drilling capacity (Ømm)
in steel 20
in brass 30
in steel M30
in brass M40
Indexing time.6
Max collet size 45 mm
S 20
Year of construction:
1996 condition:
ready for use
Used machine
D - Baden-Württemberg
5 piece rotary transfer machines EUBAMA S 20
On these machines the armature shaft blanks have been made with rotating masses within the tolerance range of less than 0.02 mm.
Both sides worked.
Teilelaenge max. 170mm
At the same time various spare parts / wearing parts and complete units for the various types of machines in stock are available.
Type S20/12 mechanically
bj 1984
shut down
Price: 15,000 EUR.zzgl.MwSt.
Type S20/12 mechanically
bj 1987
connected, fully operational
Price: 15,000 EUR.zzgl.MwSt.
Type S20/12 hydraulically
Year 1993
shut down
Price: 45,000 EUR.zzgl.MwSt.
Type S20/12 hydraulically
bj 1994
connected, fully operational
Price: 55,000 EUR.zzgl.MwSt.
Type S20/12 hydraulically
Year 1996
connected, fully operational
Price: 55,000 EUR.zzgl.MwSt.