I want to sell a machine like this
- Bar Feed
- Cucchi
- PB-62
- Magazine - Bar Type
- 2011
- Spindle Size: 62mm
A solution for lathe automation with special focus on the priceIncreasing production by reducing labor: this is the key to the
success of BASIC, the new automatic bar loader by Pietro
Cucchi for multi-spindle lathes, available for 5, 6 or 8 spindles.
A solution for lathe automation with no changes to the
original feeding mechanism.
By removing the stock reel, it can be connected to any multi-spindle lathe model.
The entire range of diameters can be machined thanks to a bar guide channel with
a diameter that corresponds to the maximum capacity of the lathe.
Catalog Specs - http://www.pietrocucchi.com/e/pdf/13_pr.pdf
PB-62 New Still in the Crate Model 62
Workable Bar diameters according to the PB installed
Round: 6 - 67mm (15/64" - 2"5/8)
Hex. 6 - 55mm (15/64" - 2"3/16)
Square: 6 - 45 mm (15/64" - 1"3/4)
Others on request
Bar Length 3300-3200mm
3700mm (12ft)
4300mm (14ft)
4900mm (16ft)
Others on request
Bar Rack Capacity 500 - 750mm (20" - 30")
Bar Feeding Speed 1m/sec (39"/sec) - pneumatic pressure
and speed adjustable
Double Bar Feed Available with independent hydraulic circuit
Bar loading Cycle Time 14-19 sec
Bar Straightness Specs. required 0,5 mm/m (7/1000" per foot)
Power Supply Tension 400V 3~ 50Hz (others on request)
Installed Power 1,5 Kw
Tension 24V DC
Pneumatic Power Supply = 6 Bar (integrated pressure reducer)
Hydraulic Power Supply Independent Circuit with integrated power pack
Bar Loader Weight 1680 Kg ( lbs)