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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SB-16e
- Lathe - CNC
- 16mm
- 2008
- Sub Spindle:
- Live Tooling:
Max. machining diameter 16mmMax. headstock Stationary GB 205mm
Stroke Revolving GB 155mm
Tool 6 tools (12mm) *
4-spindle Sleeve Holder Rear 2 tools ( Max. 4 tools)
Number of tools Front 4 tools
Max. drilling capacity10mm
Max. tapping capacity M8xPl.25
Power-driven Attachment
Number of tools 2 tools *
Max. drilling capacity 6mm
Max. tapping capacity M5x PO.8
Index angle C axis/15deg : OP
Main spindle speed Max.10.000 minĀ·
Main spindle motor 2.2kw (continuous} /3.7kw( 15min.)
Rapid feed rate 35m/min (X. Y. Z. XB. ZB)
Power-driven att. spindle speed Max. 7.500minĀ·'
Power-driven att. drive motor .4kw
Coolant tank capacity 152
Dimensions (W x D x H) 1.861 x 1.060 X 1.750mm
Center height 1,060mm
Weight 1,700kg
Power consumption 3.0KVA
A-weighted sound pressure Max. 70dB (A)
Only Star in the facility all tooling is included.
Backworking Attachment Specifications
Item Specifications
Max. chucking diameter 16mm
Max. length for front ejection 5Omm
Max. parts projection length 30mm
4-spindle Number of tools Max.4tools
sleeve Max. drilling capacity15mm
holder Max. tapping capacity M6x P 1.0
Sub spindle min. indexing angle
Sub spindle speed Max. 9,000min.J
Sub spindle motor 0 .55kw