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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SR-20R II
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2005
- Spindle Size: 20mm
- Sub Spindle:
- Live Tooling:
Max Turning Diameter: 0.781"Max Machining Length: 8"
Main Spindle Motor: 5 Hp Ac
Sub Spindle Motor: 3 Hp
Main Spindle Speed: 10,000 Rpm
Max Front Drilling / Tapping 0.390" / M8 X P1.25
Main Spindle Index: .001 Degrees
Sub Spindle Index: 1 Degree
Rotary Tool Motor: 1.6 Hp
Rotary Tool Speed: 8000 Rpm
Number of Tools: 18
Turning Tools: 6
Live Tools: 4
Front End - Working Tools: 4
Backworking Tools: 4 (All Live)
Max Back Drilling / Tapping 0.3125" / M8 X P1.25
Machine Dimensions (L X W X H): 83" X 43" X 70"
Machine Weight: 4840 Lbs.
-Fanuc 18Itb Control for Each Machine
-Turning Od Tol Holder: 6Pcs
-Cross Slide Live Tool Holder: 5Pcs
-Front Drilling Static Tool Holder: 4Pcs
-Back Drilling Static Tool Holder: 4Pcs
-Part Catcher
-Full Set of Manuals
-Barfeed Interface