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- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- BS-26C-II
- Lathe - CNC
- 26mm
- 2003
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
Controlled Axes 8Bar stock diameter 0.31"-1"
Max. workpiece length 8.3"
Spindle height 39"
Main & back spindle speeds
8,000 RPM/ 6000 RPM
# of tool stations 24
# of turning stations 6
# of live cross 4
# ID back facing 8 pos. (3 live)
# ID front facing 6 (2 face live or static)
Back rotary tool speeds 200-4000 RPM
Rapid traverse rate 20 m/min.
Cutting feed rate 236 ipm
Main spindle index Full C-axis .001 deg
Sub spindle index 5 deg
Main spindle drive 5/7 HP
Back spindle drive 2/3 HP
Weight 6,172 lbs.
FMB Turbo 3-26 Magazine Bar Loader Parts conveyor
MP Systems 8-line 2000 PSI High Pressure Coolant System
Polar and Circular Interpolations
Rigid Tapping Refurbished in 2006
Mist Buster mist collector through sub-ejection