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- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- SS 32
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 2008
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
turning diameter over bed 32 mmspindle passage 32 mm
turning length 250 mm
control Fanuc Series 18i
Main spindle
drilling capacity diameter max. 12 mm
Thread cutting diameter max. M10
counter spindle ja / yes
clamping diameter 32 mm
drilling capacity diameter max. 10 mm
Thread cutting diameter max. M8
tool spindle ja / yes
drilling capacity diameter max. 8 mm
Thread cutting diameter max. M6
slot cutter diameter max. 45 mm
machining on the part-off side
drilling capacity diameter max. 6 mm
Thread cutting diameter max. M5
Speed of main spindle 200 - 7.000 U/min
Speed of the counter spindle 200 - 6.000 U/min
Turning speed driven tools 200 - 5.000 U/min
Tools 20 Stk./pcs.
tools size 16 x 16 x 100 mm
rapid traverse 20 m/min
controlled axis 7
Power main spindle 3,7 / 5,5 kW
power counter spindle 1,5 / 2,2 kW
Power capacity driven tools 0,9 kW
load magazine LNS Hydrobar Mini-Sprint
total power requirement 13 kVA
weight of the machine ca. 2,8 t
dimensions of the machine ca. 2,15 x 1,45 x 1,825 m
2008 TSUGAMI SS-32 w/ High pressure and LNS magazine barfeeders