Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SV-32J
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 2003
- Live Tooling:
Max Turning Diameter 1.25"Max Machining Length 12.2"
Main Spindle Motor 10 / 7.5 HP
Main Spindle Speed 300 - 7000 RPM
Max Drilling / Threading 0.39" / 0.312"
Main Spindle Index 15 Degree
Sub Spindle Motor 5 HP
Sub Spindle Index 15 Degrees
Number of Tools:
Turret 8 (All Live)
Turning Tools 4
Live Tools 3
Rotary Tool Motor 0.75 HP
Rotary Tool Speed 6000 RPM
Machine Dimensions (L x W x H) 107" x 49" x 65"
Machine Weight 7040 lbs.
3500 Hours on each machine.