I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SV-32J
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 1999
- Live Tooling:
Maximum Machining Diameter........... 1-1/4"Main Spindle Indexing................ 15 Deg
Max. Headstock Stroke (Z1)........... 12-13/64" Standard
Main Spindle Speeds.................. 300 - 7000 Rpm
Main Spindle Motor................... 7.38/10 Horsepower
Turning Tools:
- Gang Slide......................... 4 Positions
- Turret............................. 8 Positions
Power Driven Tools................... 3 Positions On Gang
Power Drive Tool Speeds.............. 6000 Rpm
Pick Up Ability:
- Maximum Chucking Diamter........... 1-1/4"
- Maximum Part Length................ 5-7/8"
- Maximum Part Projection Length..... 2-15/16"
- Maximum Part Insert Length......... 4-29/32"
Sub-Spindle Indexing................. 15 Deg.
Sub-Spindle Motor.................... 2.95/4.96 Horsepower
Sub-Spindle Speeds.......... 300 - 7000 Rpm
1999 STAR SV-32J Swiss machine in
MINT condition with Fanuc 18iT control,
subspindle, backworking, live tool
capability, and IEMCA BOSS 542
12' magazine barfeeder.
SV-32J has capability for 3 live tools
(not included with this machine) that
are mounted above the gang plate to the
left of the spindle nose.
Aerospace parts manufacturer.
Machine has maybe 2 years of acual use on it.
Absolute showroom condition. No wear/ Taken out
of service about 1 year ago when company was bought
out by larger company.
There are no toolholders, collets, bushings, or tooling
are with the machine(disposed of after it was taken out of service).
Very well maintained. Ran synthetic coolant & oil. Used for
prototype work. I don't believe the barfeeder was ever used.